
PreK Fours & Fives


  • 5 mornings a week

  • 9:00am – 12:00pm

  • 15-18 students, 3-4 teachers

  • Optional Extended Day 12:00pm – 1:55pm

Typical Day

all times are approximate

Teachers arrive by 8:30 am and prepare rooms for the morning. Students arrive at 9:00 am.

Head teacher greets each child at their car at a designated drop-off area near their play area. Child is sent to the play area where assistant teachers greet the student. Children begin outdoor free play, closely supervised by assistant teachers.

Children enjoy outdoor play in their designated play area (indoor Free Choice Time, if inclement weather) closely supervised by teachers.

Head teacher calls all children to a designated meeting place before lining up to enter the classroom. Upon entering the room children and teachers change into their “indoor shoes” and wash hands. Children join the teachers on the rug for morning meeting.

Morning Meeting time may include: good morning song or poem, message board or calendar, review of name board, review of weather and discussion of the day’s schedule and activities. During circle time children have the opportunity to share ideas, engage in conversation and practice communicating meaningful messages. Meeting time provides children the opportunity to develop their skills as members of a group, listen to others and gain information from peers and adults.

Free Choice Time – Children are encouraged to choose from available interest areas within the classroom. These areas might include (but are not limited to) housekeeping and dramatic play, block play and construction, manipulatives (Legos, etc), sensory play (water, sand, play dough), easel painting, art activities, books & puzzle area, discovery/science area or cooking. Free choice time offers children the opportunity to participate in teacher led activities, self selected activities, individual and small group play. Teachers are actively involved and engaged with the children during free choice.

Clean up – The head teacher indicates clean up time by use of a signal (flick lights, ring bell, etc.). Children learn to maintain their classroom and materials by helping to put away toys and materials. When clean up time is over, they gather on the meeting rug for circle time.

Four year old classes have music in their classrooms daily.  Playland Music Director, Lynne Linnartz, visits four year old classes three days a week.  The other two days, the lead classroom teacher plans music.  Music can be a variety of songs, movement activities, finger plays and poems often related to the current unit of study. The repertoire will grow throughout the year. Music includes dance and movement.

Snack, Bathroom/Diaper Change, Books & Puzzles – Children and teachers wash their hands prior to snack. Children and teachers sit together at class tables for snack. Playland provides all snacks. Snack is typically a grain and a fruit or vegetable. Snack is served family style to encourage conversation and appropriate table manners. Children will learn to pour their own water. As children finish snack, they throw their garbage away and are encouraged to use the bathroom. Children wash hands after using the bathroom. As children finish their snack they gather on the floor to look at books and work on puzzles. Children are encouraged to choose a book to bring home from their classroom lending library at this time.

Story – Children are read one or two books often related to the current unit of study. Periodically, felt board stories, puppet stories, recorded stories, etc. are incorporated into this time.

Head teacher gathers children, counts, and escorts class to benches outside the playground. The class sings a good-bye song and Head teacher dismisses children to parents.

Optional Extended Day is available Monday through Thursday from 12:00 – 1:55 pm. The Extended Day for the PreK 4/5 classes is a continuation of their day with a focus on readiness for Kindergarten.